Uddr makes it easy to find local businesses and get trusted recommendations for services and tradespeople in your area. Start with your postcode or by entering the name of your town to see which businesses are operating near you - no sign up required. Try the uddr way of supporting local trade! Browse businesses in South Wales and beyond with 30+ categories to help you filter your search, including trades, auto services and transport hire, landscaping and home improvements, cleaning and recycling services, pet care, legal services, wedding planners, photographers, hairdressers, and lots more. At Uddr, we want to make it easier to support local businesses which is why we have designed an app that makes it faster to find exactly what you need, when you need it. Browse customer reviews and see a gallery of images from each vendor with detailed descriptions of the services they provide to help you make an informed choice before requesting a quote. Use our instant messaging feature to contact your chosen service providers to get the ball rolling and arrange an appointment at your convenience. We’re growing every day - see if uddr is available in your city by visiting: www.uddr.co.uk Not on the list? Let us know by recommending a business at
[email protected] or visit our website to find out more about the perks of becoming a trusted uddr partner. Currently servicing UK Only but were growing fast so keep in touchThe legal bitsBy downloading and using the uddr app, you confirm that you accept our Terms and Conditions (https://uddr.co.uk/terms-conditions/) and Privacy and Cookies Policy (https://uddr.co.uk/privacy-cookies/).